Glaze Life Sciences makes Top 20 in the DCB Open Innovation Challenge

May 27, 2024

Glaze Life Sciences is selected amongst the Top 20 ideas in the DCB's Open Innovation Challenge

We are thrilled to announce that Glaze Life Sciences is amongst the Top 20 in the prestigious Diabetes Center Berne (DCB) Open Innovation Challenge.  

The DCB is a private and independent Swiss foundation with a focus on improving the quality of life for people living with diabetes. They support diabetes technology projects and in 2021, they launched the Open Innovation Challenge.  

In this challenge, start-ups and innovators share their ideas/projects on diabetes management. With around 100 submissions this year, Glaze Life Sciences is proud to be amongst the Top 20. This validates the work we are doing here to revolutionize diabetes care by developing a non-invasive, pocket-sized device to measure blood glucose.

From the Top 20, six finalists will be selected to present their ideas at the grand DCB start-up night in Berne, Switzerland.  

We will update you on our progression in the challenge as we learn more. Till then, stay tuned.  

(Source: DCB)

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