Miriam Galbiati wins the KIF Prize 2024

Jun 5, 2024

Glaze Life Sciences CEO, Miriam Galbiati wins KIF prize 2024 

Miriam Galbiati, our visionary CEO was awarded the Kvinder i Fysik (Women in Physics) or KIF Prize 2024. This annual award is presented to women physicists who are role models for their exceptional achievements. This award is a well deserved recognition of Miriam’s impact in the world of physics and her dedication at Glaze Life Sciences to revolutionize diabetes care.  

This year, for the first time, the KIF Prize was awarded to three women who were equally deserving. 

The KIF is an initiative to increase the spotlight on women in physics. They support relevant political initiatives, create visibility along with a digital presence and help establish a network for engagement by collaborating with universities and private companies.  

Click here to read the interview KIF had conducted on Miriam.

(Source: KIF)

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